If You Can Dream it, You Can Live it, Says Sizakele Refilwe Mokoto

If You Can Dream it, You Can Live it, Says Sizakele Refilwe Mokoto

If You Can Dream it, You Can Live it, Says Sizakele Refilwe Mokoto

  • Posted by mandla
  • On January 16, 2017
  • Beauty, Miss Soweto 2016, Soweto

If you can dream it, you can live it, says Sizakele Refilwe Mokoto who is a God-fearing woman, a fashion lover, and a model. Refilwe is a student at the University of Witwatersrand studying a Bachelors of Arts majoring in Psychology and International relations. She intends to further her studies and attaining a doctorate in psychology specializing in Neuropsychology.

Jozi Streets: caught up with this ambitious supermodel and posed a few questions to her.

I strive to be a beacon of change in people’s lives. I am filled with the spirit of giving and motivating the youth about their dreams.

Jozi Streets: Who is Sizakele?
Sizakele: I am motivated by the fear of not achieving my goals. My ambition is what makes me attractive, my intelligence enhances my beauty, my hunger to serve and the compassion I have that engulfs souls is what defines me.

I strive to be a beacon of change in people’s lives. I am filled with the spirit of giving and motivating the youth about their dreams.

Jozi Streets: Wow! You sound like a very focussed young lady. What keeps you so motivated in the face of so much peer-pressure in our society at large?
Sizakele: At the center of my being there is a scripture that I live by and this is from 1 Peter 3v10-12. It goes like, God has given each of you special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God’s many kinds of blessings. Are you called to preach? Then preach as though God himself were speaking to you. Are you called to help others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies.

Jozi Streets: Great verse there Sizakele. Tell us, what projects are you currently working on besides your studies?
Sizakele: I am currently a brand ambassador for The Voice of The African Child, it’s a non-governmental organization which officially started in 2010. This organization is a defender of African orphans and widows. Our vision is to open voice center in every country where street kids will be coming to eat daily. We use street feeding as a platform aimed at reaching out to kids that live in the streets. This year (2017) we planning on opening a center in South Africa.

Jozi Streets: You sound quite busy. Does this not interfere with your modeling career?
Sizakele: I do modeling part-time. With my modeling skills and knowledge I’ve gained about fashion through modeling, I would love to open my own clothing line. Most petite women (Myself included) struggle a lot with finding clothes. Petite women come in all body shapes, and my clothing range would ensure that every petite woman is catered for.

Sizakele Matoko
Jozi Streets: Earlier on, you mentioned that you are an active Christian. Can you tell us about your activities as an active Christain?
Sizakele: I’m a Sunday school teacher in my congregation, Apostolic Faith Mission. We need to teach children at an early age about God, not only does it help with building a relationship with God, but it also helps feed the soul with the Word in order to live a Godly life. What you feed yourself, you become. By building your character with the word of God, you stay rooted in the life of Christ.

Jozi Streets: Any future plans that you would like to share Jozi Streets readers?
Sizakele: I want to open an orphanage. Most of the time orphanages provide the basic needs children should have. Not only will my orphanage provide needs, but it will ensure that the psychological effects that are a hindrance to the development of orphans are dealt with, provide the necessary skills that will equip them and advance in life.

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